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Synodal process – get involved!

To make the Synod happen across our diocese, we need plenty of people to answer Pope Francis’ call.  Conversations can be held in parishes or schools, in local Catholic groups, or around kitchen tables.  They can be formal organised and facilitated groups, or informal chats.

Listening is at the heart of the Synod process.  With deep, active listening, everyone involved is brought closer to the movement of the Holy Spirit.  How can we listen with all our hearts?  How do we make sure that no-one is left out?

We know that people are very busy, especially at this time of year.  So we are asking you to get involved in a particular and limited way.  Local listeners will be our key gatherers, the hands and ears of the synod process.  We are asking each one to organise either one group or a couple of individual conversations.  Groups could be a formal parish meeting, the group that you’re already involved in, or friends, family or others on the margins.   It could be a group of school mums, baptismal or first communion parents, old folks in a nursing home, the young people in your parish or school, a group in a prison. The Pope has particularly asked for existing structures, such as parish councils and pastoral area councils to take part. Once you’ve had your conversation, write up your notes, and submit them via the portal on the website (coming soon).  Local listeners will also be invited to take part in the final assembly.

To find out more, come along to our webinar on 1st November, which will explore our diocesan process in more detail.

Register your interest in being a local listener here: (email going to either or

Come along to our training session on 6th November, 1-4pm, St Mary’s Woburn Sands, to explore what being a local listener will mean.