On this page you will find information and links connecting to:

Church resources for online groups
For ideas for content for specifically Christian groups and links to resources (eg Alpha, Sycamore) see our LockDown Church page.
Please see individual platforms for help and training videos as they will be up to date for the current version of software.
Zoom video tutorials – https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/206618765-Zoom-video-tutorials
- Joining a meeting
- Scheduling a Meeting with Zoom Website
- Meeting Controls
- Scheduling a Meeting with Google Calendar
- Scheduling a Meeting with Outlook
- Breakout Rooms
- Closed Captioning (“subtitles” for different languages, or to enhance slides)
There are many more videos, but a lot of them are oriented towards business users or advanced situations. . The Zoom Help Center at https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us has a lot of “Getting Started !” guides for admins/owners and users/participants.
A parishioner at St Augustine’s parish has put together a fantastic quick tips guide for zoom: https://st-augustines-church.org.uk/zoom/
Google Hangouts/ Google Meet
How to use Google Hangouts videos at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lfZ1Wyltxjo or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPZb3D0500I – and there are more, easily findable by searching “Google Hangouts tutorials”
Facebook Messenger Rooms
How to use Rooms videos at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZdMMpALMhKA
“How to create a Messenger Room” video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJGoVfT7Uk4
Skype tutorials
How to use Skype – Beginners Guide video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NRcb3uB3Jac . As with the others, more will show up in response to a search.
Microsoft Teams
We suspect you’re unlikely to use this for parish ministry, as opposed to internal office or parish-team use, since, though not necessarily requiring paying for an Office 365 sub, it is really designed for business settings, but just in case…
There are a lot of videos on the Microsoft Support website at https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/microsoft-teams-video-training-4f108e54-240b-4351-8084-b1089f0d21d7
For more information about our diocesan safeguarding team, see here: https://northamptondiocese.org/safeguarding/. You can access information about excellent online training for both under-18s and adults-at-risk here: https://northamptondiocese.org/sgnewstraining/.
Introductory and general
“What Is safeguarding?” Jan 18 statement of background and definitions
“Key principles and values” July 18 statement of commitment by the Catholic Church
Information sheet on abuse and neglect in adults – Dec 16 outline of various types of abuse that adults can suffer
Information sheet – abuse of children – Dec 2019
Online ministry
Guidance on safeguarding in the use of video-conferencing for ministry – CSAS/ NCSC November 2020
Consent form for use prior to online meetings for under-18s – adapted from one used by Diocese of Leeds.
Risk assessment form for online meetings – completed specimen— – adapted from one used by Diocese of Leeds
CSAS Case 2 Under-18 events and activities planning sheet
CSAS Case 5 Session recording sheet – to note what’s happening in a session
CSAS Case 6 Incident Recording Form