God who speaks 2021
The God who speaks campaign continues into 2021 with renewed resources and a focus on the Gospel of Mark. Is 2021 the year you go deeper with Scriptures?

Diocese of Northampton Liturgy Office webinars:
- Tuesday 19 January 2021 (7.30 – 8.30 pm): ‘He opened their minds to understand the Scriptures’ (Lk 24:45). The importance of God’s Word for Christian identity & everyday living.
- Tuesday 16 February 2021 (7.30-8.30 pm): ‘Many more began to believe in him because of his Word’ (Jn 4:41). John’s Gospel & The Season of Lent.
Each session will include input, prayer and the opportunity to make comments and ask questions.
Cost: There is no charge but there will be the opportunity to make a donation.
Please register in advance to secure a place by email or phone:
Email: admin@nores.org.uk
Phone: 01582 723312 (ext 1)
Once your booking is received you will be sent details of how to join the online Zoom sessions.
Dom Henry Wansbrough: Adventures of a Biblical Translator Sat 23rd Jan 11-12.30
On 23 January from 11 am until 12.30 Dom Henry Wansbrough will be presenting a live stream talk entitled ‘The Adventures of a Biblical Translator’.
Dom Henry is the editor of the New Jerusalem Bible and the recently published Revised New Jerusalem Bible. The event will be presented by Dr Sean Ryan, chair of the Catholic Biblical Association.
For access go to www.ssppilford.org.uk and click on live stream remote services.
Questions for Fr Henry, and other queries, may be directed to catholicbiblicalassociation.gb@gmail.com
Resources on reading the Gospel of Mark:
The God Who Speaks campaign have fantastic resources for the Gospel of Mark. There’s a downloadable “whistlestop tour” poster here which is a great place to start:https://www.godwhospeaks.uk/the-god-who-speaks/education/posters-for-schools/ It will give you some excellent pointers for things to look out for when listening to the Sunday Gospels.
Bishop David challenged us to read the Gospel of Mark through 2021 in his Pastoral Letter over Christmas. Download an excellent daily reading plan to help with this here:https://www.godwhospeaks.uk/the-god-who-speaks/bible-basics/about-the-bible/st-marks-gospel/st-marks-gospel-day-by-day/
For full immersion in the Gospel, experience David Suchet’s wonderful complete reading at St Paul’s Cathedral: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JjOgcMQXvSc It takes about 2 hours – what better use of our time?
Resources to read the wider Bible
Explore David McLoughlin’s super new course over 7 weeks, exploring how the Old and New Testaments echo each other in their preparation for, and arrival of, Jesus. godwhospeaks.uk/echoes-of-god-journeying-with-the-word-of-god
Read the Bible in a year! For many people a real milestone in their lives. See Brandon Vogt’s (Word on Fire) excellent article on a whole series of different ways of doing this:https://brandonvogt.com/how-to-easily-read-the-whole-bible/ January is the perfect time to get started.
For a more reflective experience, see Sr Mary Lou Winter’s recommendation for Lectio Divina, a meditative process of sitting with a passage and allowing God to speak: “It is a rich timeless practice, extremely user-friendly and it truly nurtures a deep, loving, living relationship with the Lord. It can be as simple as you like, especially to start out. It fits into any time frame with various, creative ways to practice it. During Advent, I read Michael Casey’s Sacred Reading: The Ancient Art of Lectio Divina. I heartily recommend it will. You can order it from our website www.pauline-uk.org and help promote our ministry of making the Word of God available to all people.”