Welcome to “Pathways of Prayer”
This is a new initiative of the Diocese of Northampton, especially produced for our Year of Prayer and Vocation. Throughout the course, we hope you will be challenged, inspired and moved (to tears or laughter). Prayer is the foundation of our Christian life, and without that essential connection to God we cannot grow and flourish as we should.
There are six sessions to the course, and each week has several different sections – different things to watch, listen to, read and reflect on. Try and make time for the main resource in each section – the others are there for you to explore at your leisure. We recommend that you discuss with others what you have found – either in a parish group, or on the online group. Groups are great for support, for different perspectives, and for exploring difficult questions together. If you can’t find a local group, email the office via the “contact us” page, and we’ll fix you up with a group near you, or with an online subscription.
We hope that this course will be a stepping stone on your spiritual journey – that you will find peace, comfort and time with God.