There are many great resources being used by parishes across the diocese to build faith. Here are some of them. If you’d like to be put in touch with someone already using these resources, contact the office and we’ll pass your message on.
Bible Timeline: a fantastic resource to introduce parishioners to the whole story of the Bible, from Genesis to Jesus. Parishes who run this course often go on to try other resources from Ascension Press, including Matthew, Psalms, Acts and many other books.
Alpha: often now run as part of Divine Renovation (see below), parishes are using Alpha with First Communion parents (run before school pick up with toddlers welcome), Confirmation candidates (there are a variety of different youth programmes to choose from), general parish catechesis, and as a kick-starter to a wider programme. It is definitely worth talking to someone else who has run this locally as they will have lots of experience worth sharing.
Alpha has been a real engine of leaders for my parish. Even if people are not confident about their faith before they start, by the time they’ve done the course, and then come back as table leaders, they are willing to give anything a go.
Divine Renovation: originally a book by Fr James Mallon, now a world wide movement with a national conference, Divine Renovation works with parish priests and lay leaders around the world to assist them in moving their parishes from maintenance to mission. The ministry has grown out of the transformation of Saint Benedict Parish, Halifax, Nova Scotia. There are a number of parishes in the diocese going down the Divine Renovation Route.
CaFE – Catholic Faith Exploration: a whole range of video courses covering everything from Baptismal Preparation to Life in the Spirit. A rare English rather than American resource.
Bishop Robert Barron – Catholicism: Bishop Barron founded Word on Fire ministries which includes daily reflections, articles on the Church and culture, and much more. Catholicism, a 20 session introduction to the faith, is probably their best known resource.
Dynamic Catholic: another American resource, this one specialising in short, pithy videos on many aspects of the faith. Their “Best ever Lent” and “Best ever Advent” series are particularly good.
If you have used a resource in your parish that you would like to share, email Avril with the name and a few words about it, and we’ll put it up here.