Celebrating Pentecost
The Holy Spirit is in some ways the most mysterious person of the Trinity. The Catechism tells us that ‘it is Christ who is seen, the visible image of the invisible God, but it is the Spirit who reveals him.” (683) The Holy Spirit kindles faith in us: “to be in touch with Christ, we must first have been touched by the Holy Spirit” (689). Scripture tells us that when we pray, it is the Holy Spirit praying in us, and when we can’t pray, the Spirit intercedes for us in groans “too deep for words” (Rom 8: 26). The days leading up to Pentecost are a beautiful opportunity to come to know the Spirit in a new and intimate way.
Pentecost Novena
Becoming more popular by the year is the ancient practice of the Pentecost novena, inspired by the apostles gathering for prayer for the nine days from Jesus’ ascension to the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. Our RE office, NORES, have produced some lovely resources for prayer during this time, including a song written by our very own Alex Heath, and recorded by one life music.
Our Bishops’ Conference has produced a novena themed around the environment which you can find here: godwhospeaks.uk/pentecost-novena-on-the-care-of-creation.
We’re also encouraged to join Thy kingdom come, a world-wide ecumenical phenomena which starts on 13th May. It’s a novena of prayer to the Holy Spirit, encouraging us to hold 5 friends or family members in prayer for those days. Find Bishop Mark O’Toole talking about it here:
Family Resources
Lovely ideas from the ever-reliable Catholic Icing site: https://www.catholicicing.com/whos-ready-to-celebrate-pentecost/ Resources for prayers and home liturgies from Missio https://missiontogether.org.uk/calendar/resources-for-pentecost-2020/
Reflections on Pentecost
God who speaks: wonderful Scripture based resources to help us explore many different aspects of Pentecost. Featuring a reflection by our own Dr Maria Heath, parish evangeliser of St Gregory’s parish, Northampton.
Leaving room for the Spirit – a reflection on Pope Francis’ challenge to us all to leave room for the Holy Spirit in our lives.
Unwrapping the gifts of the Holy Spirit: https://bustedhalo.com/ministry-resources/unwrap-the-gifts-of-the-spirit-this-pentecost
An imaginative prayer based on the Pentecost Scriptures: https://www.ignatianspirituality.com/imaginative-prayer-pentecost/
Pentecost prayers from Cafod: https://cafod.org.uk/Pray/Prayer-resources/Pentecost-prayers